Clicking on the link to the left will take you to the SCOFFEE survey. There, you will need to agree to the terms of the SCOFFEE (more information below). After agreeing, and completing the SCOFFEE you will receive your results immediately and be able to begin making changes to your space.
Terms of the SCOFFEE
IRB Information
The first thing you will see when you click on the link above is an agreement that allows me to use provided information (nothing that is personally identifiable to who you are) for future research. This information includes your school's state and zip code, the grade levels you serve, if your school is a Title 1 school or not, and a little information about your background and your experience in school counseling. These questions are optional. I am not collecting names, IP addresses, names of schools or districts, or other specific information about who you are. This information is being collected so that I can create a profile of school counseling offices across the country and regionally. This is important to my work in advocating for more fair and appropriate school counseling space, so I thank you for your support!
For more information, click here.